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Traditional/Ecumenical Track Masters Concentrations

Requirement : 3-4 Classes for Each Concentration

Faith Development Programs


The Concentration in Pastoral Care offers courses that provide the student with a specialized focus on the pastoral care of souls in settings that include, but are not limited to, the local congregation. This concentration offers a variety of courses in the theory and practice of pastoral care.


1. Pastoral Care

2. The Pastor as Shepherd

3. The Visiting Pastor / Ministry of Presence

4. Ministry with Youth

5. Ministry with the Aging

6. Spiritual Care for the Soul

7. Conflict Resolution Ministry

8. Care for the Aging & the Dying

9. Grief Ministry: Death, Dying & Bereavement

Concentration in Pastoral Care

Certiicate in Pastoral Care

Concentration in Pre-Chaplaincy Studies

The Concentration in Pre-Chaplaincy Studies offers courses that introduce the student to the ministry of chaplaincy. These courses are designed to prepare the student to navigate the complex culture of chaplaincy education (CPE) in theory and in practice.


1. Introduction to Chaplaincy

2. Ministry with the Sick and Dying

3. Care for the Aging and the Dying

4. Grief Ministry: Death, Dying & Bereavement

5. Crisis Pastoral Care

Certificat in Pre-Chaplaincy Studies
Family At Church

Concentration in Family Ministry

1. Family Systems

2. Human Development

3. Marriage, Sexuality & Family

4. Models of Crisis Intervention

Certificate in Family Ministry

Concentration in Community Worship

The Concentration in Community Worship offers the student a specialized focus on what is arguably the heart of the Christian community’s religious faith. The student will acquire critical understanding and awareness of the theology and practice of worship.


1. Community worship

2. Prophetic preaching

3. Lectionary preaching

4. Worship as pastoral care

5. Theology of music

6. Liturgical theology and ecumenism

Certifcate in Community Worship
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