Our students come from a wide diversity of cultures, traditions, and experiences and contribute to the ecumenical/interfaith dialogue at ETS.
ETS is a member of the Digital Theological Library 2 (DTL2), a consortium of theological schools who have agreed to pool digital library resources. The library contains over 1.4 million books and over 100 million articles, all of which can be borrowed as a PDF for use on your computer.
DTL2 can be accessed HERE
Use the “Search DTL2 Discovery” box to find resources. When asked to login, select Ecumenical Theological Seminary from the dropdown box for your School, and use your Populi ID for “Barcode or Student ID.”
If you have difficulties accessing, Dr. Grafius will do his best to help: bgrafius@etseminary.edu.
We hope you’ll make good use of this outstanding resource during your time as an ETS student!
As you search for the right school that fits your educational and vocational needs for ministry, take a careful look at what ETS has to offer you. We think you will be happy with what you find here.
Feel free to contact our administrative staff with any questions you may have. You will find a group of friendly people who are eager to assist you.