Ecumenical Theological Seminary is committed to helping students make education affordable and easy to navigate
We work closely with our students to ensure they understand the purpose, process, and responsibility when deciding to utilize Federal Financial Aid.
One of the first questions that potential students ask when considering theological education is how they are going to pay for it. Ecumenical Theological Seminary is committed to helping students make education affordable and easy to navigate. We work closely with our student to ensure that they understand the purpose, process and responsibility when deciding to utilize Federal Financial Aid.
MDiv, MA, and DMin students may also participate in financial aid programs for graduates and professional students such as the William D. Ford Federal Loan Program. There are a variety of grants and scholarships available for all ETS students who qualify. Note that the UMD and MCP programs do not qualify for Federal Student Loans.

What is Federal Financial Aid?
Financial Aid is assistance received by a student to pay educational costs: tuition, fees, books, and supplies. Additional financial aid resources may include scholarships, grants, and work-study programs.
MDiv, MA, MAPM, and DMin students are eligible to participate in financial aid programs. Please note that the UMD program do not qualify for Federal Student Loans.
Need-based aid requires a student to complete a financial statement (the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA) that is used to determine the relative financial strength of a student. For graduate or doctoral students over the age of 24, the finances of the student and the spouse are considered.
Need-based aid generally comes in the form of grants, loans, and work-study programs. The amount of aid a student receives is limited by financial need. Financial need is determined by each school based on the cost of education minus the expected family contribution information from the FAFSA.
Applying for Federal Financial Aid
To apply for financial aid you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a Master Promissory Note. This applies to incoming first-year students and transfer students, as well as returning students who wish to renew their aid for another year. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the main application that must be submitted to be considered for all forms of financial aid, including federal and state grants, student loans, federal work-study and consideration for some scholarships.
When filling out the FAFSA you will need the school code for Ecumenical Theological Seminary (ETS). Our School Code is G40024.
Requesting a FAFSA Form
Federal Financial Aid Qualification?
To qualify for federal aid, a student must meet the following qualifications:
Be a U.S. citizen , permanent resident, or other qualifying non-citizen
(not on a student visa)
Be registered for the selective service (If male and born after December 31, 1959)
Not be in default on a student loan or owe a repayment on a federal grant
Not have received loans in excess of the federal limit for their academic level
Not have a drug conviction that precludes the student from receiving federal aid
Be admitted into the MDiv, MA, MAPM, or DMin program
Additional Financial Aid Sources
Students, who need additional aid for funding their education at ETS, can apply for loans through the William D. Ford Federal Loan Program. Students can borrow up the cost of attendance as designated by the Department of Education. To apply for federal loan funds, students will need to complete a FAFSA application and a Master Promissory Note for Unsubsidized Student Loans.
ETS has established some scholarships to assist students with financial need. See Scholarship Section.

Contact Person
Jacquelyn Hines
Business and Finance Office Manager​
Financial Aid Director
313-831-5200 X211