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Degree Programs / Master of Divinity


The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is designed to be completed in 3 years of full-time study, but many students complete the degree in 5 - 7 years on a part-time basis. The program balances academic engagement with practical experience, while seeking to empower students to develop their spirituality and sense of calling. Students in this program find themselves strengthened academically and experience tremendous personal and spiritual growth.


Degree Programs

Master of Divinity

Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry

Master of Arts (Academic)


Certificate in Theological Studies

Continuing Education

Urban Ministry Diploma

Program Information

  • Total Required Credit Hours: 112 Quarter Credit Hours

  • Recommended Time to Complete: 3 Years

  • Maximum Time to Completion of the Degree: 10 Years 

At ETS we offer our students choices when it comes to our Master of Divinity program. There is only one Master of Divinity at ETS and after successful completion of the program, each student will receive the MDiv diploma and, depending on denominational requirements, will be certified for ordination. The student is responsible for contacting his or her own denominational administration to determine whether further denomination-specific courses are required for ordination. While there is one Master of Divinity at ETS, there are two separate tracks for completing the MDiv program: Traditional Ecumenical Ministry MDiv Track and Urban Transformation and Renewal MDiv Track.


The Master of Divinity degree program (MDiv) has been available at Ecumenical Theological Seminary since 2006. It received full approval and accreditation from the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in March of 2005. This program offers a distinctive approach to theological education. It is grounded in an ethics-praxis and social justice orientation. You will take courses that are focused primarily on practical training as well as more theoretical courses such as biblical studies, theology, and church history. This combination of courses will provide you with the resources you will need to do ministry in our complex society. Completion of the MDiv degree program requires a minimum of three years of full-time study or four to seven years of part-time study.

Denominational Requirements for Ordination

Ecumenical Theological Seminary is fully accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. However, if ordination is your goal and your denomination has as a requirement for ordination a Master of Divinity from an approved or denominational seminary, you should first inquire with your denominational officials to ensure that an ETS MDiv is right for you.

The Traditional Ecumenical Ministry MDiv Track

The first track for completing the ETS MDiv is the Traditional Ecumenical Ministry Track. Working in conjunction with traditional denominational MDiv requirements and in compliance with ATS standards, this track allows you to meet the educational standards required by mainstream denominations for congregational ministry with very few exceptions.

Urban Transformation and Renewal MDiv Track

Detroit and other cities throughout the United States are currently undergoing a period of economic expansion and renewal. Some places more than others—but especially in Detroit—hospitals, universities, schools, businesses, restaurants, sports and entertainment venues are experiencing capital investments and renewed economic growth.

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Field Education for the Master of Divinity

Field Education (FE) is a supervised ministry experience during the middle part of your seminary studies (after 8-12 courses).

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Admission Requirements

Registration Deadlines

James Waddell.jpg

James Waddell

Director of the Masters Programs

Professor of Biblical Studies

Dr. James Waddell describes the Master of Divinity program.



2930 Woodward Avenue | Detroit, MI  48201

(P) 313-831-5200 | (F) 313-831-1353 | (E)​


Ecumenical Theological Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools​ in the United States and Canada, and the following degree programs are approved: MDiv, MA, MA in Pastoral Ministry, DMin.

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