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CG 100A Colleague Group First Week

CG 100A Colleague Group First Week




An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues. This group meets each day of every Emergent Week and continues to meet after the Emergent Week, once a month until the next Emergent Week.


Doctor of Ministry



CG 200A Colleague Group Second Week




An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues. This group meets each day of every Emergent Week and continues to meet after the Emergent Week, once a month until the next Emergent Week.


Doctor of Ministry 



CG 300A Colleague Group Third Week




An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues. This group meets each day of every Emergent Week and continues to meet after the Emergent Week, once a month until the next Emergent Week.


Doctor of Ministry 



CG 400A Colleague Group Fourth Week




An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues. This group meets each day of every Emergent Week and continues to meet after the Emergent Week, once a month until the next Emergent Week.


Doctor of Ministry 



CG 500A Colleague Group Fifth Week




An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues. This group meets each day of every Emergent Week and continues to meet after the Emergent Week, once a month until the next Emergent Week.


Doctor of Ministry 



CG 600A Colleague Group Sixth Week




An essential component of every DMin Emergent Week are the meetings with your Colleague Group. Colleague Group is the setting for the interactive learning that takes place in your small group of DMin colleagues. This group meets each day of every Emergent Week and continues to meet after the Emergent Week, once a month until the next Emergent Week.


Doctor of Ministry 



COR 820 Introduction to the Doctor of Ministry Program I


Dr. Kathleen Mackie


The purpose of this course is to orient you and the other new students o one another, the seminary, and the ETS DMin process.  This course is designed to aid you as the ministry practitioner, to better evaluate yourself and your ministry setting as you develop your theory for your project.  the new students to each other, the seminary, the ETS DMin process, and prepare them for candidacy.


Doctor of Ministry 



COR 821 Introduction to the Doctor of Ministry Program II: Clarifying the Call


The purpose of this course is to guide you into the process of identifying a research area and developing your topic into a proposal for the suggested doctoral project.  You will also formulate the Ministry context, explore the theories that will undergird the research, development of your question and hypothesis which will form the basis of your research proposal which is part of your Initial Review.


Doctor of Ministry  



COR 822 Practical Research and Methodology


The purpose of this course is to fine tune and finalize your research design for your ministry project to include justification for the methodology.  Understanding the basic theories and accepted practices that are necessary to design an appropriate research study will be explored.  Concepts addressed will include qualitative and quantitative research designs, the appropriate methodologies used with those designs, the analysis of data, drawing defensible conclusions, and identifying the limitations of one’s study.


Doctor of Ministry 



COR 823 Theoretical Foundations of Ministry Events


Dr. Brandon Grafius


This course expects each colleague to have a workable project proposal in hand at the beginning of the week. This course is designed to help the colleagues apply that project proposal to broaden its focus of ministry beyond scripture, narrowly interpreted religious principles and bible-verse spirituality. It will also include theological reflection, practical faith, philosophical assumptions, psychological behaviors and cultural experiences. The time constraints dictate that this seminar is a review of the material and not an exhaustive study.

Doctor of Ministry 



COR 824 Dissertation Process I


This purpose of this course is to assist you with analyzing the data from your ministry event.  You will write and organize your research findings, examining the implications of the research on the wider population.  We will also prepare the final document with a view towards preparing you for your defense.


Doctor of Ministry  



COR 825 Dissertation Process II



The purpose of this course to help you to actualize and internalize your research as the expert in your particular field.  To prepare you for all aspects of your defense.  To explore the importance of presentation and publication of your research for a broader usage of your work.  To encourage participation in professional organizations and examining ways to expand and grow in a post seminary environment.


Doctor of Ministry 



EWT 930 Thematic Course




Each DMin Emergent Week will have its own unique Thematic Course. These themes are designed to challenge your horizons and to enhance your practice of ministry.


Doctor of Ministry

CG 200A Colleague Group Second Week
CG 300A Colleague Group Third Week
CG 400AColleague Group Fourth Week
CG 500A Colleague Group Fifth Week
CG 600A Colleague Group Sixth Week
COR 821 Introducion to the Doctr of Ministry Program I
COR 821 Introductoin to the Doctor of Ministry Program II
COR 822 Practical Research and Methodology
COR 823 Theoretical Foundations of Ministry Events
COR 824 Dissertation Process I
COR 825 Dissertation Process II
EWT 930 Thematic Course
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