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TPM6001 Intoduction to Christia Worship

TPM6001 Introduction to Christian Worship


Constance Simon

Assistant Professor of Christian Education


Based on the premise that leading worship is a minister’s primary responsibility, this course provides an overview of Christian worship from historical, cultural, and pastoral perspectives. It incorporates the various denominational emphases and pastoral challenges found in the contemporary American church. After establishing the basic notions of symbol, ritual, and sacred time and space, you focus particularly on the ministry of the word and on the sacraments of baptism and Eucharist. Assignments enable you to appropriate the basic concepts in ways consistent with your own interests.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6002 Introduction to Preaching


William J. Danaher, Jr.

Professor of Theology, Ethics, and the Arts


This course introduces the student to both the theory and practice of preaching by studying a variety of sermons, communications skills, modes of preaching and use of Scriptures. Course requirements include readings, directed reflection papers, sermons with exegesis and a research paper.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



TPM6003 Introduction to Christian Education


Constance Simon

Assistant Professor of Christian Education


This course will introduce you to the basic theoretical concepts and practices that support a congregation’s educational ministry. Class sessions will focus upon the historical and theological foundations of educational ministry, the work of contemporary theorists, and current practice in the field. You will explore the educational assumptions that underlie your own teaching; design, present and critique teaching models; and discover resources that will facilitate your ministry in education.


 Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6004 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling


Tony Curtis Henderson

Associate Professor of Practical Theology


This course will cover basic types of professional pastoral care and counseling that have become normative for traditional Protestantism in the 21st century, along with more recently articulated African-American and feminist approaches. It will also cover basic types of lay and small group pastoral care in the emerging church of the future. You will practice basic counseling skills in one-on-one and small group approaches, and be introduced to a variety of readings, skill exercises and an empathy training project.


2020 Spring â€Š⁄  Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6005 Introduction to Christian Spirituality


Floyd Davis

Adjunct Professor


In this introductory course important facets of Christian Spirituality will be highlighted. Spirituality will be examined in relationship to theology, faith, psychology, history, and culture. Practices to nourish the spiritual journey, such as various ways of prayer, reflection and journaling, will be introduced, experienced, and discussed.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM6006 Introduction to/Enrichment of Spirituality


Urias Beverly

Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM7001 Church Management for the 21st Century


Tony Curtis Henderson

Associate Professor of Practical Theology


Pastors have a variety of responsibilities within the congregation, a significant portion of which deals with management responsibilities. You will explore ways to make this an effective portion of your ministry. A particular emphasis is placed on the congregational leader’s spiritual formation through worship, prayer and meditation. Skill development areas include:


• Organizational change
• Church financial management
• Mobilizing volunteers
• Analysis of ministry context
• Personnel management
• Building utilization
• Creating effective evangelism and mission programs


A portion of this course will include dialogue with practicing pastors from the Detroit area in
their context of ministry.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM7002 Advanced Preaching




The second level course in preaching is designed to enable you to build on the basic skills developed in the foundational course. This course offers advanced insights and skills development needed for specific types of preaching. You explore issues important in contemporary preaching. Course requirements include readings, directed reflections, class sermons with exegesis and a videotaped sermon preached in a parish setting. Prerequisite TPM 6002.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry



TPM7003 Church Leadership for the 21st Century


Olaf Lidums

Associate Professor of Urban and Ecological Studies


This course explores the personal leadership styles, values and principles of a congregational leader, especially as they are manifest in non-church, mission culture of our time. Skills addressed include:


• Creating and sustaining congregational vision

• Developing a spiritually based leadership style using prayer, meditation and the Meyers-Briggs Personality Inventory

• Utilizing congregational conflict resolution

• Embodying a congregational stewardship lifestyle


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity, Certificate in Theological Studies



TPM7004 Interreligious Dialogue


James Perkinson

Professor of Ethics and Systematic Theology


The emphasis of this course is on conversation with the authoritative voices that represent diverse religious communities and living religions in America today, including imams, rabbis and priests. You will also learn the basic principles of the world’s religions as you visit mosques, temples, and gardens. This course is especially useful for those in chaplaincy or CPE, pastors in places of encounter and public ministry or educators who teach global awareness. You will read introductory texts in comparative religion, and view selected videos.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral

Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPM7005 Christian Spirituality II




Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7001 Principles and Practices of Church Music




This course studies the history, theology and practice of Christian worship and music. It examines the relationship between theology and worship by examining the biblical basis for worship, the history of Christian liturgy and contemporary worship. Guiding the study are
lectures, primary source writings, hymnody, spirituals, art and architecture from all contexts.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7002 Baptist History and Polity


Samuel White

Adjunct Professor


The Baptist History and Polity Course is designed to give students critical understanding and appreciation of Baptist life, thought, and practice through 400 years of history.


This purpose will be accomplished through required reading, research, class participation, and engagement with the following topics:


  1. Baptist origins and struggles to achieve identity

  2. Theological, cultural, and historical factors affecting Baptist development

  3. Contributions of significant Baptist leaders

  4. Baptist influences on the wider Christian world and on public life

  5. Evolution of Baptist life at local, regional, and national levels with attention to contemporary polity and practice


This course meets a requirement of the American Baptist Churches for ordination or recognition of prior ordination.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7003 Presbyterian Worship and Sacraments


Allen Timm

Adjunct Professor


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7003 Reformed Worship and Sacraments


Allen Timm

Adjunct Professor


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄ 



TPMT7004 Art & Spirituality


James Perkinson

Professor of Ethics and Systematic Theology


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity



TPMT7007 Thought and Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Tony Curtis Henderson

Associate Professor of Practical Theology

History, Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄ 



UM101 Community Seminar in Urban Ministry


Olaf Lidums

Associate Professor of Urban and Ecological Studies


This course is an introduction to ministry in the urban setting. Through site visits and classroom discussions, the theology and practice of ministry in the city is examined and evaluated.


Theory & Practice of Ministry (TPM)  ⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma

TPM6002 Introduction o Preaching
TPM6003 Introduction to Christian Education
TPM6004 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling
TPM6005 Introduction to Christian Spirituality
TPM6006 Introduction to Enrichment of Spirituality
TPM7001 Church Management for the 21st Century
TPM7002 Advanced Preaching
TPM7003 Church Leadership for the 21st Century
TPM7004 Interreligious Dialogue
TPM Chrstian Spirituality II
TPMT7001 Principles and Practice of Church Music
TPMT7002 Baptist History Polity
TPMT7003 Presbyterian Worship and Sacraments
TPMT7003 Reformed Worship Sacraments
TPMT7004 Art & Spirituality
TPMT7007 Thought and Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
UM101 Community Seminar in Urban Ministry
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