SYS6000 Systematic Theology I: Thinking Theologically
Adjunct Professor of Theology
Foundations in Systematic Theology I is the first of a two part course series. STI focuses on theological thinking in conversation in our traditions, our local communities, and the broader world, while beginning to survey out the doctrinal and historical terrain. Systematic Theology II focuses on mapping doctrines and their histories, while continuing to develop the skills necessary for responsible, life-giving, and faithful theological thinking.
Theology  ⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity, Certificate in Theological Studies
SYS6100 Systematic Theology II: Doctrines
Adjunct Professor of Theology
Systematic Theology II is the second of a two-part course series. Systematic Theology I focuses on theological thinking in conversation in our traditions, our local communities, and the broader world, while beginning to survey out the doctrinal and historical terrain. Systematic Theology II maps Christian doctrines and their histories in relation to contemporary theological conversations, while developing the skills necessary for responsible, life-giving, and faithful theological thinking. These courses can be taken in any order.
Theology  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity
SYS7001 Christology & Culture
Professor of Ethics and Systematic Theology
This course looks at the way culture was adapted by Jesus to galvanize a peasant resistance movement in Palestine, how the creativity went urban and outlaw under Paul, became bardic and monastic with the Iris, adopted griot features in slavery, shamanic savvy in Brazil, guru-wiles in India, and continues to twist domination into vitality and defiance under the beats and braggadocio of hip-hop today. We will plunge deeply into gospel culture to catch sight of Christology’s powers of folk liberation and probe the possibilities of re-reading the Jesus tradition prophetically today to address white-on-black violence, ruthless gentrification, and apocalyptic climate change.
Theology  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity
SYS7002 Theology in a Multicultural Context
Associate Professor of Practical Theology
Theology  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity
SYS7003 Theology, Ecology, and Spirituality
Professor of Ethics and Systematic Theology
This course takes its motive force from the multiple and cascading crises of our time (such as climate change, species extinction, acidification of the oceans, soil degradation and loss, water pollution and salinization, etc.) that point toward a profound alienation between human communities and the rest of the biosphere. The aim is to open up perspective on the role of otherkind (plants, animals, waters, mountains, etc.) within the Christian tradition, and recovery of a more sustainable and just relationship to local and regional watersheds and ecologies, provoked by deep listening to indigenous cultures, re-examination of Christian theological and spiritual traditions, and re-imagination of incarnation.
The course will range across the following topics:
Scientific articulations of the ecological crises of our time
Historical and anthropological attention to our bioregion, informed by Native American experience and concerns
Biblical and theological traditions read through the lens of indigenous and ecological orientations
Exploration of the implications for our own spiritualities and ethics
Theology  ⁄  Certificate in Theological Studies, Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity
SYS7004 Womanist Theology
Assistant Professor of Christian Education
Theology  ⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity
SYS7005 Doctrines of Salvation
Adjunct Professor of Theology
Theology  ⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity
SYST7101 Reformed Presbyterian Theology
Adjunct Professor
Designed primarily to assist students from Presbyterian and Reformed Churches to prepare for their ordination trials, this course will review some key theological principles from the perspective of the Reformed faith. Readings will include historic Reformed confessional statements, some of the works of John Calvin, and a survey of a variety of Reformed theologians’ works.
Theology  ⁄ 
SYST7102 Theology of Bonhoeffer
Adjunct Professor
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author, political critic and Lutheran minister, stands as one of the great theologians and ethicists of the twentieth century. With courage even to the point of death, he acted with conviction to counter the rise and power of Nazi Germany. Indeed, he is aptly called the “prophet of the holocaust.” He devoted his life to the cause of justice and peace and ultimately risked his life in an assassination plot against Adolf Hitler, an action for which he was apprehended and executed. This intensive traces his life, times, ethical vision and moral lessons. As we explore central themes of his life experience, theology and ethics such as ‘religionless Christianity’ and ‘costly grace’ though lecture, documentary, and discussion, we will apply these lessons to our current world situation and the demands of ministry. The course focuses on Bonhoeffer’s own words and writing including The Cost of Discipleship and selections from his Letters from Prison. Christiane Tietz’s Theologian of Resistance: The Life and Thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer provides biographical context.
Theology  ⁄  Master of Arts (Academic), Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity, Certificate in Theological Studies
UM107 Theology in Context
Adjunct Professor of Theology
This course introduces the student to the complex world of theological thought and theory. The purpose of the course is to help the student learn how to do theology with his/her context in view.
Theology  ⁄  Urban Ministry Diploma